Mount Shasta's Liquid Lighttm

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Frequently Asked Questions

Gem essences may also be taken by putting drops on the top of the head; they may be put onto the palms of the hands, rubbing the palms together and them smoothing them through the energy field around the body.

Other uses for Mount Shasta Gem Essences:
  • put in humidifiers;
  • put in a bowl of water that is placed next to the bed, or any other place where one spends a great deal of time;
  • put onto crystals;
  • put into a vial worn around the neck and over the heart center;
  • put in a spray bottle for misting the surrounding environment or oneself;
  • combined with essential oils for external use in a diffuser or a misting bottle;

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You asked...

1. How Do Mount Shasta Gem Essences Work?
2. How are these products used?
3. How are Mount Shasta Gem Essences made?
4. Why do you use those specially imported dark violet bottles?
5. What can one expect from taking a few drops of one of the remedies?
6. Is there any danger in using these products?
7. When would I benefit from using essences?
8. What method should I use to select Mount Shasta Gem Essences?
9. How can I apply Mount Shasta Gem Essences?
10. How Frequently should I repeat dosages?

1. How Do Mount Shasta Gem Essences Work?
One or more Essence may be taken at the one time. It is safe to combine them in any combination that may be chosen for the appropriate need, bringing the whole being back into balance. Or the chosen single ones may be added together without restriction, using the intuition or dowsing to determine which are the appropriate ones. They are physically taken as drops under the tongue, and the Essence is immediately absorbed into the tissues of the mouth, which is in turn absorbed by the Etheric Body. The Etheric Body is an energy field that underlies every cell and atom of the physical body, permeating and interpenetrating every part of it, it extends out beyond the body, connecting the Physical with the Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies.

The Etheric receives, assimilates and transmits energy into the chakras, which are distributing agencies providing dynamic force and energy to man. So the incoming energies of the essence enters the chakras through the etheric body. The chakras correspond to the endocrine glands, and through to the central nervous system. This energy, which has entered the chakras through the etheric is then transmitted automatically to secondary energies, which are called Nadis. These energies flow along the spinal column, connecting the central nervous system and brain. The endocrine system and central nervous system keep the physical body in balance and harmony.

So the energy of the essence flows through the cells and via the etheric enters the Chakras and Nadis to balance the physical body. Also flowing outwards into the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies via the etheric to bring in balance on these levels as well. So the Chakras are very important as they integrate the energies of all the bodies and need to be kept balanced and the energy flowing so that we may function to our full potential. By taking the Essences they work through the Etheric, Chakras and other Bodies toincrease the Life Force Energy, Creating a more positive outlook, balance and harmony,and greater expression of our true potential.

2. How are these products used?
Mount Shasta Gem Essences are used in liquid form, in drop doses, generally over a 2 or 3 week period, and sometimes up to 6 weeks. Their effect is more potent when taken one at a time, or in small blends of 2 or 3 essences all addressing various aspects of one issue. I tend to suggest a series of essence mixtures, to be taken one after another, while focusing on the intended purpose or issues being addressed.

Mount Shasta Gem Essences work in a very inconspicuous way, and often you won't see their effects immediately. Of course, there are certain essences which do have an immediate and obvious effect, but most work gradually, over time. I find that changes in your demeanor, life and relationships, are usually more noticeable to the people around you than they are to yourself, because they are deep and subtle. These changes generally become obvious to you when you look back, after a period of time, at how you 'used to be', or you may notice how some problematic situation in your life was there in the past, but now it's gone, and you don't really know when or how it went.

Patience and perseverance are the key, as in life and when using essences for deep, permanent change. If you are able to stick with it, and see your essences mixtures through, one after another, you will be amazed at the beautiful improvements in your state of mind, life and relationships.

3. How are Mount Shasta Gem Essences made?
Vibrational essences are so named because they carry the healing vibration of a particular item (such as a flower or crystal) or a thought or intent (such as an affirmation), and so on, rather than carrying any chemical components of the item from which the essence is made. For example, Mount Shasta Gem Essences are made by bringing gems and or crystals in contact with pure Mount Shasta spring water, charging the water with the vibration of the gem, and then blending it with alcohol as a fixative and preservative. This ‘mother tincture’, or essence stock, is then diluted and used, in drop doses, to make up dosing bottles containing a single vibrational essence, or mix of essences, for you to take.

The concept of using water to carry particular healing vibrations to the body, is ancient knowledge, but was re-established in the early 20th century by Dr Edward Bach, who created the Bach Flower Remedies. These were the beginning of the new wave of vibrational essences which will, I believe, become a dominant form of medicine in the future.

Recently, Dr Masaru Emoto found a way to show, without question, how giving water different kinds of vibrational input can have a powerful effect on the shape of the ice crystals it is able to form. Through photographing the crystals formed by water under different vibrational conditions, his research has proven water to be an incredibly efficient carrier of vibrational information. Read more about the vibrational quality of water, the work of Dr Masaru Emoto, and how you can make use of this quality in your own healing journey.

During the production of gem essences, information contained in the rocks and crystals that are used is transferred to the water.When a gem essence is taken internally or applied externally it therefore has similar effects to when the crystals themselves are used in healing. However,it is not any physical substance from the crystal that is transferred to the water. The crystal does not dissolve in it, it is solely energy from the crystal that is conveyed. Gem essences are similar to homeopathic remedies or Bach flower essences.

The additional process we use in the creation of these essences is what makes them different. Mount Shasta Gem Essences are made with the sacred headwaters in crystal singing bowls to the vibration of the Earth mother "c"and also the heart and crown chakras. As Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown in his work with water, intent, words, thought and music all have an impact upon the structure of water.

Mount Shasta Gem Essences are made during powerful planetary activations and alignments in powerfully energetic Mount Shasta. Produced at the Sacred Headwaters in partnership with the Sun, the Full Moon,and all of Mother Nature with love, blessings, and gratitude for all who came before and all that will come to be.... Thank-you Thank-you Thank-you.....

4. Why do you use those specially imported dark violet bottles?
Mount Shasta Gem Essences are bottled in Miron Violet Glass, which blocks the complete spectrum of visible light, with the exception of the violet part. Miron preserves bio-energy through protection from light.

5. What can one expect from taking a few drops of one of the remedies?
For some, after taking one drop, there will be significant shift. For others, a more lengthy time will be needed. This timing is not something we could promise or guarantee. It depends on your readiness to shift a particular pattern. This is experienced in many different ways.

6. Is there any danger in using these products?
There could be a healing crisis or the appearance of too rapid a shift for someone. This could look like an increase of energy, or a speeding up of the process of drawing to you the lessons needed for self-awareness. These are not pharmaceutical products with a long list of potential side effects. If the change is too rapid, reduce the dose or the frequency of taking the products. Read the disclaimer for more information.

7. When would I benefit from using essences?
How To Select and Use Mount Shasta Gem Essences

Mount Shasta Gem Essences can be used in as many ways as you can imagine. They are gifts from nature, which is limitless, therefore the essences themselves are limitless, and in no way completely defined.

To select essences or remedies, consider which issues are in the forefront in your life at this time. Are they physical, spiritual, emotional, mental? Mount Shasta Gem Essences are energy medicine, vibrational tools to help you with your challenges and changes. For example: If you resist change, but would like more flexibility in this, there are essences to help you.

When you read the essence descriptions you will often intuitively have a sense of which ones attract you the most. Take some time to consider your symptoms before you read through the descriptions. That way you will have a focus to help you notice more easily which essences you will benefit from.

8. What method should I use to select Mount Shasta Gem Essences?
You may select Mount Shasta Gem Essences by reading the descriptions and by looking at the photographs of the gems and from which the essences are made. When you feel an attraction or a strong emotion this indicates a "yes". You can douse with a pendulum to select essences, as well as muscle testing, or kinesiology, and of course listen to your intuition. You can also use these methods to find the appropriate number of drops and/or applications to use. Generally, your first impressions come from your body intelligence and intuition; therefore, it is beneficial to listen to them during your selection process.

9. How can I apply Mount Shasta Gem Essences?
There are many ways to apply Mount Shasta Gem Essences. The most effective method for using the essences is to apply a few drops directly to the temples, pulse points (i.e.,wrists) or acupuncture points using your fingers. Other methods of applying Mount Shasta Gem Essences include putting two drops in the mouth, massaging into the skin, or placing the drops into bath water. For ultimate hydration, put a couple of drops into your daily drinking water and the gem essence water remedies can be sipped periodically throughout the day and night. You can also add drops to creams and lotions. For animals, drops may be rubbed through their coat.

10. How Frequently should I repeat dosages?
The frequency of repeat dosages has an impact on how quickly and intensively Mount Shasta Gem Essences effect the user. Dosages may be repeated every few minutes throughout the day. Hourly dosage is another possibility. When using the essences in acute situations such as for shock or trauma apply the essences every 1-5 minutes until the critical phase has passed.

Repeat dosages consistently introduces new blueprints for personal balance. The greater the imbalance, the more frequently the essence is taken, creating balance, choice and opportunity for change.

These remedies, being vibrational in nature, have not been tested scientifically, and no such claims are made for them. Please ensure that you seek the advise of a professional therapist if you are ill.

Note: The statements and products on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding the suggestions and recommendations made by Mount Shasta Gem Essences.
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