Mount Shasta's Liquid Lighttm

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Welcome! I am glad you made it to the site. The first two articles were written by me and please feel free to share so there is a better understanding about Gem essences, our colorful world and all the healing we have to share.

There will be more information added on a regular basis which will include more pictures, articles and other products and services. Please feel free to email or call me with any questions.

Many Blessings - Namaste.


MSGE in the Press...

Recent articles in the press
  • Receive Unconditional Love Through Gem Essences (PDF)... Many wise people are looking for transformation rather than for more information. We are living in a Transformation Age, in which people want to find a trusted authority who offers them simplicity and results. In today's world of tto much information, people are looking for shortcuts to get the transformation they desire.

  • Inspire Your Life With Color (PDF)... The rainbows one sees in crystals are thought to be able to manifest some of the purest energies on Earth and take the user to higher realms. Some believe that crystals exhibit the closest manifestation of pure white light that can be experienced on the physical plane. Our most important energy source is light and the entire spectrum of colors is derived from light. Sunlight, which contains all the wavelengths, consists of the entire electromagnetic spectrum that we depend on the exist on the planet.

Useful resources
  • The Divine I AM Rainbow Diamond Awakening (PDF)... I AM DIVINE.... I AM Wisdom, Love, and Light. I AM the Divine Light that flows through me. I AM a Creator Being. I AM Divine LOVE. I AM the Divine TRUTH. I AM ONE with all things. I AM Source Energy. I AM the Light of Source Energy. I AM the Divine Light that flows through me. I AM Divine Support. I AM the Change.

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